Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Bike Me! meeting

Date: May 27th 2009
Time: 6:30pm, social at 6pm
Place: Wallis Engineering
215 W 4th ST Vancouver WA


  1. Good Job to Leah for getting Bike Me! up and running.
    Update from the 1/28/09 bike vs collision; the driver's hearing was Monday--he was found to have 'committed' negliant driving when he struck a cyclists in a bike lane. Thanks to everyone who voiced their concerns to City Council about the importance of bikes being reconized as vehicles on the road.

  2. In Fall 2008, the Clark College Bike Club started a project to increase saftey along Fort Vancouver Way along the border of Clark College. Last week, the Student Government voted to recommand to the College President to establish a school zone along Fort Vancouver Way. If City Council creates a school zone on Fort Vancouver Way, the speed will be lowered to 20 MPH and fines will double in the area. A good step towards preventing ped and bike injuries.
